Wednesday, September 11, 2013

1. (9 Sep 2013)
By Kundalini Shakti’s and Lord Shiva’s grace I have recently been enlightened as to the workings of the Tantric Union between man and woman. It is important to understand how couples can fulfil their roles in nature through the sacred tantric union between man and woman and how they can thus fulfil their roles to be creators, part of nature, but also enhancing it by creating new life. The essence of Tantra for both sexes follows the path of the Kundalini serpent, starting at the base chakra, located at the base of the spine and reaching fulfilment at the crown Chakra, which is usually depicted as a blossoming lotus flower of great radiance. The male-female roles have to be played as nature intended them, there can be no reversal of roles between the sexes. While this should be self-understood, some people may need reminding that a man can only fulfil his destiny as a man and a woman can only fulfil her destiny as a woman, it simply isn’t possible for them to swap places. Traditional male-female roles must be maintained in a spiritual relationship, otherwise there is no hope for true enlightenment for either party.

When a man and a woman meet and decide to merge their two separate selves in a union, the following mysterious energetic unfolding takes place. The sexual aspect of union between man and woman is vital, it is in fact the very first step, and without it, no further progress can be made without compromising the potential for true happiness and enlightenment. When the man and woman get ready for sex, the baser senses, their most primitive urges are aroused. There is no shame in this and it should be completely natural. It is very important that the couple feel no shame for finding each other sexually attractive as that can block any further spiritual progress. Our basest senses, those responsible for food, safety and reproduction must be satisfied before any further progress is possible. When the aroused couple jump at each other, kissing and engaging in foreplay, they further stoke the flame of the Kundalini serpent that normally lays dormant, its fiery power stimulates the second chakra, associated with the sexual organs and this results in sexual arousal. When both man and woman are ready, penetration happens (it does not matter who initiates it as long as both are suitable aroused). The thrusting action that happens during sex is very much reminiscent of the thrusting action the Kundalini serpent engages in when it tries to break through the energetic blocks that are built up in humans over many lifetimes. Once sexual intercourse commences the male and female role in an energetic sense diverges sharply and each party progresses according to their own divine nature. The Male plays the role of the Shivalingam, the primeval creative male principle that has the power to create new life. The female plays the role of Prakriti, Mother Nature, the divine Yoni, she becomes the vessel through which new life is created and nurtured. As the sexual act progresses, the male’s thrusting at the female’s vagina channels his male creative energies through his Penis, into the Mother’s Yoni all the way to her Uterus, which in its physical location, coincides with the third chakra. Under Ideal condititions, once the man has learned to control his ejaculation, the woman should experience several orgasms, which opens up and cleans her Chakras. Also, during orgasm, the Vagina contracts several times in a sucking motion, as if wanting to suck the sperm out of the man’s Penis. The physical act is accompanied by the very same sucking activity on the energetic level, where the woman receives a portion of the man’s creative male energy, deposited into her third chakra, one of the primary energetic centres of the body. If the man wishes to father a child, he may choose to ejaculate, thus impregnating the egg in the woman’s uterus, while at the same time releasing a massive amount of energy through his own orgasm, thus ensuring the survival and spiritual vitality of the child. The more energy is released by the male at this point, the bigger spiritual advantage is given to the child at birth, ensuring its health and vitality. It is advisable that the male does not release his sperm too often if he is planning on fathering a child, the sperm should be kept in and vitalised through meditation for at least a week before it is released into the woman’s womb. Through simple exercises that strengthen the muscles responsible for holding back urine, the man can have complete control over his ejaculation and will be able to maintain an erection for much longer and enjoy a larger penis as a bonus. Every man should practice contracting and relaxing his urine-withholding muscles, then practice withholding his ejaculation on a regular basis to ensure he has no problems with this part. This will also ensure that the woman can always orgasm before the man and strengthen the relationship immensely.

Once the woman is inseminated and her baby starts growing, the baby’s motions and its own energetic stimulation will open the fourth chakra, located in the middle of the chest. This is the energetic heart, the real heart of the soul, what we refer to when we talk about things like heartache, speaking from the heart, seeing with the heart, etc...  Since the heart is the middle chakra, it is the one every energy channel goes through and it is responsible for regulating the energy flow in the body, the same way the physical heart is responsible for regulating the bloodflow. The energetic heart is much more complex than the physical heart however and has a very high number of functions, too numerous to list here. One of its most important functions is that of an anchor, an anchor of emotional ties. Let me elaborate.

Most people assume that when we talk about “emotional ties” we mean something abstract, just an electrical function of the brain, or the work of some hormones. That is not so. Emotional ties are very real and are known in Sanskrit as “Gunas” which means “Ropes” in English. Hindus believe in three types of Gunas, but there may be more than that. Classification doesn’t matter, what matters is that we instantly recognize what is meant by that. We all know what it means when we develop ties to someone or something. This could take the form of love (an attractive force) or hate, disgust and fear (an opposing force). Scientists would deny that love and hate exists as anything else but illusory electrical impulses of the brain but we all “know” with our hearts that is pure nonsense. We can all feel love, hate and fear and these we do not feel in our head, but in our hearts. The energetic heart is a very real organ, it is not metaphysical or theoretical. The ties that bind us are also very real, they are not imaginary. Some seers can actually see these strings of light that link people to each other, the rest of us can feel them and create images of them in our mind’s eye.

I can clearly remember, the first time i was in love as a Junior in college, I could not only sense but clearly see the strings that bound me to the beautiful Jewish girl that was the object of my affections. I could very clearly see three colourful strings of radiant light emanating from my chest into hers and binding us together in love. When we broke up, I felt as if the strings were torn out of my chest and I suffered real heartbreak. Anybody who has ever had their heart broken knows what I’m talking about. The very fact that people (and animals) can die of heartbreak proves the reality of these energetic constructs and the fact that science hasn’t a clue what these phenomena may be and how to explain them shouldn’t deter anyone to treat it as real and vitally important. Scientists may not understand what love is, and probably never will, but this doesn’t mean we should treat love as an illusion or as a purely material phenomenon. My hunch is that love is some form of quantum entanglement that links everything in the universe to everything else, whereas hate and fear is a similar, but opposing force that creates the separation of everything from everything else. If it weren’t for the forces of hate and fear, the universe would probably collapse unto itself, separation would end and everything in the material universe would become “one” again, devoid of separation. When the Upanishads say “I am that”, this reflects the profound understanding that everything came from “One” and will eventually return to “One”, but in the meanwhile they remain connected in some mysterious way.

After this brief explanation of the emotional and energetic “heart” of the body, let me move on regarding the happenings in the mystery of life. As the baby grows in the woman, the man starts to develop sympathetic emotional symptoms linked to the woman’s state of mind. In some cases he may even develop physical parallels to the woman’s pregnancy syndromes. He may even develop morning sickness or in rare cases even experience some of the pains of childbirth himself. In any case, during pregnancy the emotional bond between man and woman gets stronger and it is at this stage that the baser form of lustful love develops into a higher form. The lust and sexual attraction remains, but bonds of true love are formed during this period and this is when the family unit starts to take shape, first in an emotional unmanifest state then later in the physical sense as well. During pregnancy, the man’s chakras vibrate in sympathy with that of the woman. As she moves on from the third chakra to the fourth, the man’s relevant chakras open up simultaneously and real energetic bonds are formed. After childbirth, the woman should breastfeed the child as long as practicable, as the stimulation of the woman’s breasts and the very act of nurturing the baby deepens the emotional bond between mother and child. Since the breasts are directly connected to the heart chakra, the more breastfeeding, the deeper the bond. This is also the most difficult period for the father as he may feel excluded from the ever deepening love-bond between mother and child (as mentioned, a very real string of radiant energy that directly links two hearts). Therefore, the mother should make every effort to pay enough attention to the father.

Once breastfeeding stops, traditionally mothers would feed their children by pre-chewing the food and transferring the food directly to the baby’s mouth. It is a great pity this custom is no longer practiced as it helps to open up the throat-chakra, which is fifth in line. This chakra is predictably responsible for communications, the mother should talk to the child constantly and sing to it as much as possible. The father should not be excluded at this point, the couple should make an effort to communicate with each other and should not neglect kissing regularly. The act of kissing is a great stimulant to the throat chakra,

As the child grows, both parents will find great joy in seeing their child grow up. This stimulates and opens up the third eye chakra, sixth in line. The more Joy the parents get from seeing their child grow up the more the third eye is stimulated. It is also important for the couple to remain attractive to each other and not to neglect their looks as this stimulates their third eye even further. Due to the quantum entanglement inherent in the ever more numerous energetic bonds that tie the family together, what some would call psychic senses, linked to the third eye, will start to develop. Parents will know when members of their family are in danger and will feel their distress even from great distances. Due to the properties of quantum entanglement, distance is irrelevant in psychic phenomena and family members will be able to sense each other’s emotional state at any distance. All humans and even animals have this capacity, how much of this actually gets transferred into the conscious mind and realized is entirely up to the individual’s spiritual development. Daily meditation and a light heart (free of hate and fear) improves the efficiency of these senses. In order to move to the final stage, the finer, psychic senses must be developed. Us humans are basically blind in this respect, our finer senses have athropied greatly and negative environmental conditions (chemicals in food and water, electromagnetic radiation, vaccines, etc...) make it very difficult to open up the sixth chakra. Unfortunately most people will not actually “see” anything with their third eye (the pineal gland), due to its long-term non-use and the build-up of harmful chemicals inside. The body however adjusts, and most people will develop their other ESP senses to a higher degree. The brain will adjust by creating mental images of what one senses energetically so that we can operate normally and move to a higher level spiritually. Shamanic psychedelics may also help the process, but these should only be administered at the supervision of a real shaman with experience as the process can be very dangerous.

Once the sixth chakra has opened up and the family experience true happiness true the creation of life and spiritual practice, the crown chakra, the last and seventh one will open up. This chakra links us to the universal consciousness, and its opening up is the first step towards true enlightenment. The experience is indescribable, but it is the very essence and meaning of human existence, the answer to all our questions, the source of all knowledge and love. It should be the aim of all human beings to achieve the reunification of their own selves with the source intelligence and energy of the universe. Do not believe the lies spouted by humanities’ enemies that this can be achieved through the giving up of worldly desires and shunning sexuality and family. The very opposite is true. Without love, there can be no enlightenment and we have certain obligations towards nature that we must fulfil before we can rest in peace and return to the source consciousness. It is our natural duty to create life in the universe, and to create vehicles through which souls can incarnate. We must therefore strive to find a suitable mate and create the conditions for a successful family, each gender according to their traditional roles as ordained by nature through millions of years of evolution, or created by a God, whichever version you prefer. I must caution religious people though, that no enlightenment is possible through the worship of an outside entity. Seeking the help of deities may be fine and dandy in some situations (Lord Shiva has been known to look favourably on those that seek enlightenment), but continous, blind worship of a deity merely hinders spiritual awakening. The very act of worship is an effect a form of spiritual tax, not unlike the one you pay to the government. You give up some of your power and energy to another entity, in return he promises to take care of you. Do not fall into this trap, in order to achieve enlightenment, you have to do it as an individual, you must walk the path alone or with a single partner as a duo, there is no other way.

2. (10 Sep 2013)

I must also clarify how the Tantric Union between man and woman links to Kundalini awakening. The opening up of the Chakras through union between man and woman is very useful, but it is not the same as the Awakening of the Kundalini. The Kundalini is a much more mysterious force, it is in effect humanity’s link to the divine. All religions talk about the Gods’ creating humanity in their image and imbuing it with the spark or the breath of life, giving it potential to “be as the gods”. What I am about to write will be extremely shocking to most people, particularly those that follow a Monotheistic religion like Christianity and Islam. While it is true that these religions contain some truth and spirituality in them if one seeks hard enough, the fact is that all religions were set up with the express purpose of withholding spiritual knowledge from the mass of Humanity and consigning it to a few select individuals who receive personal initiations into various secret societies where the real meaning of scripture and the truth behind them is revealed in steps. At each step, the individual is given only a small portion of the truth until he is deemed trustworthy enough to progress further. Most initiates will never ascend to the highest levels, where the full truth is revealed to a mere handful of people, who often have to seriously compromise themselves morally to be allowed the full knowledge of the mysteries. By this point, only morally repugnant individuals, who excel in devious politics and ruthlessness can get to the highest level. Their readiness is tested by disgusting initiation rites that will remain “our little secret” of the inner circle, generally involving some perverted sexual act or a sacrifice ritual that may involve the killing of humans or at the very least animals. This remains true of all the great monotheistic religions and it is no wonder that their leaders regularly turn out to be the most morally repugnant individuals humanity has produced. In its current form, the three religions are enemies not only of reason, but of true spirituality as well. For this reason, no human can become enlightened if he is beholden to the dogma and world-view of any of these religions, they have been specifically designed to keep the mass of humanity from awakening and to replace true spirituality with watered-down, pretend versions of the originals. This does not mean that these religions have no power of their own, as they have deliberately appropriated symbols, rituals, religious holidays and places of worship from the true previous religions that went before them. Rather, the power that they do have is from twisting and deforming the spiritual powers of their devotees and channeling them to serve their own agenda, which is very rarely in service of humanity. Remember this:

The three religions are mankind’s greatest enemies, their explicit purpose is to stop humanity’s awakening and to maintain a master-slave relationship between the deities they purport to represent and the mass of humanity who are to live and die as ignorant slaves, blindly worshipping some unknown master who is apparently so hideous and scary in appearance that he expressly forbade his followers to ever carve or draw an image of him. If you think that I am exaggerating, please read the old Testament and then tell me with a straight face that the vicious, jealous tyrant that is its main character has humanity’s best interest at heart. I do not know if Yahweh or Allah do indeed exist or they were made up, but irrespective of whether they actually exist, they are most certainly neither omniscient nor omnipotent. All you need to do is to read the “good books” and you can see for yourself.

3. (11 sep 2013)

The fiery serpent keeps sending me messages during meditation, the images I receive are becoming ever more vivid and powerful. Through the Grace of Lord Shiva, the powerful, I have understood the essence of how the Kundalini serpent works in empowering us, literally. If you recall, the Kundalini serpent is often depicted as the caduceus, two serpents wrapping themselves around a staff, the upper end of which has two wings, the very top has a ball of energy, often with a downward pointing pentagram. The pentagram is indicative of the divine power that is sent downwards along the spine towards the base chakra, that’s why it points downwards. Downward pointing pentagrams, crosses, or lightning bolts symbolize the power of heaven descending down into the devotee and energizing him. Just check any electrical device while it is being charged, it is also symbolized by a downward pointing lightning bolt, so universal is this symbol. In this context, heaven is code for the crown chakra, and what its an extension of, the spiritual realm. The Spiritual realm has unlimited power, which all individuals can access. Usually we take in energy through food and breathing but we can also access higher forms of power (in the very literal sense of energy) once our kundalini serpent has risen. I have now seen a vision of the Kundalini serpent in action, while I meditated on the significance of the crown chakra to the kundalini serpent, so I can share this with you. What I saw, was not a static caduceus, but very vibrant, colourful and very much alive one. I saw the two serpents as being bright red and blue, although it was not a colour tone I have seen previously, it appeared very much otherworldly. Then I also saw and felt the brilliant white light at the top of the back of my head, where the crown chakra is located and where the serpent has previously penetrated my skull, I then saw the serpents swirling around the kundalini column. The motion is difficult to describe, they appeared to be rotating not just around the main column of kundalini energy, but also spinning around themselves and they were engaged in an intricate, rhythmic, pulsating dance that produced a brilliant light display. All the while, I became aware that the point of this exercise was to draw in the unseen energies from the crown chakra and deposit them around the body. It seems the fully risen Kundalini is in fact a form of living machine, made out of subtle energy, that works very much like a vacuum cleaner, Its rotation designed to suck in energy from a higher dimension and spread it around the body. Once I understood this, the vision suddenly changed and I saw a strand of DNA, where the two interlocking strands seemed to engage in a similar, swirling, pulsating dance of their own. Due to the Holographic principle, that states that every part of the whole is in fact a less refined copy of its bigger self, and in the part, the essence of the whole is always maintained, I suddenly understood that DNA is in fact the Kundalini serpent appearing in a smaller, less refined and more specialized form. It seems, that every living cell has a DNA for this very reason, DNA may be a cellular coding mechanism on the physical level, on the spiritual level it is however a miniature Kundalini serpent, twisting and twirling to suck in energy and quantum information from a higher dimension. Since we all are essentially holographic constructs, it would appear that DNA serves as holographic film on the physical level, but it is also a conduit for radiant higher dimensional energy that radiates the DNA so that it projects a morphogenetic field around itself, thus enabling the growth of cells and as an extension multicellular organs and organisms. This inference leads me to believe that the Kundalini serpent might actually serve a very similar purpose for the whole body, it is a morphogenetic blueprint for the soul. Once the Kundalini is awakened, radiant light from the other realm creates a morphogenetic field for a new human, an advanced being that has the potential to “become as the gods themselves”. I believe that the whole purpose of our human existence is to fulfil the potential of the kundalini serpent that is dormant in all of us and to thus ascend to a higher form of existence. Since we start receiving a different, higher form of energy, that is both more subtle and more powerful than what normally exists in our universe, the morphogenetic field formed by the Kundalini serves as a blueprint to replace our existing energetic body with something that is made out of a more subtle, higher vibrational and multidimensional energy form (multidimensional, in the sense of existing in multiple quantum realities or parallel dimensions at the same time). This requires us to keep the Kundalini active through regular meditation on its properties (energy flows where attention goes) and to make sure any upcoming energetic and emotional blocks are removed as soon as possible. It is very probable, as the Mystic Yogi Gopi Krishna has theorized that this will lead us into a new existence, a new stage in our evolution, thus creating a new species of Human. I propose to call this new human, Homo Illuminatus, latin for enlightened man.

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