Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Spiritual Awakening Blog

Spiritual awakening Blog

I decided to start this blog in order to record my journey on the path to enlightenment. Many have talked about their own experiences, Yogis, Mystics, Prophets, Scientists, Poets, Seers, each possessing an extraordinary power of mind that to an ordinary person may seem wondrous and unachievable. I am here to tell you, we all have in ourselves the capacity to become geniuses, masters of the mind and masters of our own destiny. In this age, known by Hindus as the Kali-Yuga, the iron age, we are ruled by beasts of iron, our lives increasingly dictated and enhanced by machines. While machines are not in themselves harmful to the human mind, due to an imbalance between science and spiritualism, where science has almost completely vanguished and driven underground the study and contemplation of the spirit, we have now created a world in which we are increasingly dependent on machines for even our most basic daily tasks and functions. Increasingly, even our communications and interpersonal relations are driven by machines, and they day can’t be far off when scientists will attempt to merge us with the machines in a collective consciousness technocrazed utopia, where everyone is part of and subtly controlled by “the Machine”. Machines and technology in general do have a role to play in all advanced civilizations, but we must resist with all of our might the drive to what is known in geek circles as the “Singularity” an event not that far off, when our minds will meld with that of the machines. I personally do not believe this will happen, the human mind is simply too expansive and powerful to be slotted into a collective machine-driven consciousness. We don’t know it yet, but the human mind is the most powerful machine in the world, if set up, nurtured and tuned correctly. There are elements of the human mind that are not yet known to science but mystics of all ages knew about them and have hidden clues in ancient religious texts so that initiates and those that have achieved enlightenment could recognize them. I am fortunate in that my life path has allowed me to achieve a certain level of spiritual wisdom, through hard spiritual work in the constant seeking of the truth, meditation and the awakening and rising of the Kundalini Serpent in me. My Kundalini arose at age 33, not coincidentally the age Christ was supposedly crucified according to the bible. This is called the “Age of Christ” in many cultures and is usually associated with spiritual wisdom and awakening. It is also believed by some Christians that the soul will stay eternally at age 33 when it is in heaven. Since my Kundalini awakening I have gone through some difficult times, some of the most difficult in my life. One of the most common misconceptions about spiritual awakening is that is leads to a happy and fulfilled life, in the material sense. If you think about all the famous souls who were enlightened, the figure of Jesus Christ or Gandhi for instance, do you get the impression that once they had their epiphanies, their lives suddenly changed for the better, they suddenly got rich and famous and lived happily ever after? Or how about all the great poets, musicians and visionaries who clearly had access to a higher power in their best moments? Most of them died young and while they lived intense and interesting lives they had to sacrifice everything for the higher good. Therefore, do not believe anyone who claims that the purpose of Yoga or any other path to spirituality is to enable us to live happy and fulfilled lives with an ideal work-life balance and money and good luck coming into our lives. The Spirit is not concerned with money, fame, a big house, a big car, or beautiful women. All it cares about is the truth and getting the truth out to as many people as possible. Yes, the Spirit may guide your life in such a way that you have enough of the basic necessities to enable you to work, making sure you have food, shelter and sufficient transportation, but it will not overindulge you. Anything more than the basic necessities would be a waste of resources from the Spirit’s perspective and just create distractions that an enlightened person does not need.

About the Kundalini Awakening

In case you have not yet heard about the Kundalini, it is a localized, dynamic, energetic system, normally lying dormant in the lowest chakra, at the base of the spine. When it is awakened, through various spiritual practices and the opening of the heart and mind, a fiery heat starts to burn in the energetic body of the human, and the serpent starts rising upwards along the spine, acting as a battering ram to remove the energetic, emotional and intellectual blocks that have built up over a person’s lifetime. The process generally takes years, depending on how many issues a person has to work out that block his awakening. To explain how this works, I need to clarify a few concepts.

Mind, Body and Spirit
Contrary to what materialists would have you believe, the mind is not consigned to your brain. In other words, your mind, your consciousness is not in your head. Your mind covers your whole physical body and extends beyond it in what is usually known as the Aura. In fact your mind extends as far as your vision goes, energetically touching and affecting anything you look at. This explains the phenomenon of the “sense of being stared at”, experimentally proven to exist beyond reasonable doubt by the eminent science writer Rupert C. Sheldrake. You also instinctively know where the centres for certain emotions reside in the energetic sense and these centers are all part of the human mind. Our language reflects this knowledge but we choose to ignore the wisdom built into it. Phrases like “getting cold feet”, “heartbreak”, “gut feeling”, “I can feel it in my bones” shows us that we are unconsciously aware that our minds extend to our whole body and that various mental and emotional processes actually take part in the energetic equivalent of various body parts. Apart from ancient Indian writing, Traditional Chinese Medicine has known about this for millennia and this knowledge is successfully used to treat various chronic ailments. Once you understand the principle behind it and you have a map of the subtle physical body, which acupuncturists do, you can correct a chronic backache by inserting a needle into a precisely described part of the year. Scientists don’t understand how this works yet, but our civilization is so young and naive that we cannot expect to be all knowing after only a few centuries of scientific progress. In fact I am convinced that the great breakthroughs of the 21st century will not be in material science, but in a new field, that will perhaps be called “Subtle Energy Science” or something in that vein.

So now that the relationship between mind and body is clear, what is Spirit in relation to this? Is it the same as the soul? Does everyone have a spirit?

Those are difficult questions, that scientists, mystics and philosophers have tried to answer for Millennia, usually without success. All I can say is this: It is not actually possible to say what the spirit IS, you can only say what it ISN’T. I have experienced the Spirit through meditation and this is what I can say about it. The Spirit, with a capital S, is non-material, non-temporal (outside of time), boundless (outside of space), unmanifest (without a clear corporeal form that we would recognize) and yet it manages to encompass all possible universes and dimensions without actually being present in them in any physical sense. I would describe the Spirit, as the intelligent, animate source of all energy and thus all matter in the visible universe. We carry a spark of this Spirit in us, this is known as the soul. While we carry all of the potential of the Spirit in us, we lack its limitless power and we have no access to its unlimited knowledge. Due to this, we live our lives in a hopeless, slave-like, I am little me state, unaware of where we’ve come from and where we will eventually return. The purpose of Spiritual Awakening is to realize our condition and to do something about it. Meditation is a tool of using the physical body as a crystalline vibrational power-gathering antenna array (much like Nikola Tesla’s fabled zero-point energy collectors that promised unlimited power) to reconnect the mind through the tiny spark of the human soul to its source and “download” as much extradimensional energy and information as the Human body can handle. The various postures and hand gestures used in Yoga and meditation facilitate the energy absorbing capacity of the body-mind energetic construct. Also, nails and hair increase the receiving capacity of the body, which is why Yogis tend to let their hair, beard and nails grow. Also, the correct positioning of hair on the top of the head, tied up in a spiral knot can act as a wonderful amplifier of spiritual energy in and of itself. The whole point of meditation and Yoga is to energize the body-mind to such an extent that it can act as an independent actor in this world, carrying out the will of the Spirit. When one “downloads” energy from the Source Consciousness, it naturally arrives in the form of a vibrational frequency that carries information and thus spiritual teachings, to be distributed amongst the general population. Distributing the teaching to others raises their vibrational frequency and tunes them into the spirit’s higher dimensional resonance, thus energizing them further. It is my view, that while the material world tends towards entropy and breakdown, it is life in the Universe that is supposed to counterbalance this by pulling in energy from the spirit world and fighting the dark, entropic nature of matter. In Hindu Mythology, these forces are symbolized by a trinity of deities. Brahma, the creator, is symbolic of the Creative Intention of the Spirit made manifest and is responsible for creating a new universe every few billion years, after the previous one has been destroyed through entropy. Once creation has taken place, Vishnu, the preserver takes over. He symbolizes the anti-entropic struggle of life in the universe, he is the power of the Spirit (known as Brahman in Hinduism) manifest in every human being as his yearning to better himself, be good and moral and increase the abundance and vitality of life in this world. Shiva, the final member of the Hindu trinity is the destroyer of material yearnings and ties. He ensures that once entropy has taken hold and the world has turned evil, it is destroyed so that the cycle of creation can restart. He thus ensures the birth and growth of the new and the young, he is the destroyer of the evil and the complacent so that the good and innocent can take their place. He is very much like the bushfires that devastate forests periodically. While the fires are destructive, they are necessary to remove old growth and make way for new life, thus ensuring that the new generation can start from a clear slate. Due to his role as the Destroyer, Shiva is often misunderstood. He is in fact the greatest friend of the Yogi and held in high regard. His Trikula, the trident he carries, is symbolic of the awakening of the Kundalini. His Yogic posture, particularly the position of his hands is the most effective way of energizing the body, and the serpent wrapped around him symbolizes the risen Kundalini. Incidentally, these symbols were also known in the western world, but due to the efforts of the Vatican most of their meanings have been lost. For instance, the devil in Christianity is usually depicted as a horned god with hoofs, tails and wings, holding a trident. He resides in the fiery pits of hell where he uses his trident to poke unfortunate souls up the bottom in an eternal torment. In fact this popular Christian Image has no basis in the bible, it is based on bastardizing and literally “demonizing” the spiritual traditions of older cultures as was the custom in Christian Europe. The horned, hoofed look comes from the Greek God Pan, who was very popular in Roman times. His followers enjoyed drunken orgies very much, which made him an ideal candidate for “demonization”. In this context, demonization means subverting and inverting the symbolism of a “pagan” god to serve the purposes of the church. The trident was probably incorporated from Poseidon, the Greek God of the sea, who in turn probably got his Trident and association with water from earlier cultures. Since Ancient Greeks and the Aryans of India shared a number of gods, it is probable that some attributes of Poseidon were borrowed from Shiva. The association of the goat head and pentagram with the Devil comes from Baphomet, a goat-headed deity of the Knights Templar, who probably borrowed most of it from the Far East when they came into contact with Indian Traders in Jerusalem. The physical resemblance between Shiva and Baphomet is extraordinary to say the least, particularly in terms of the Yogic posture that both of them employ. I do not believe this is a coincidence. It is also rather interesting that serpent-worship is the oldest form of religious worship known to man. The risen serpent has always been the prime symbol of spiritual awakening and even the ancient druids of Britain were known as “Serpents” reflecting the fact that they walked around with an awakened Kundalini. In fact, let me make it clear that when we talk about, rising, awakening, ascending to a higher level, it is not “us”, not our actual soul that awakens or ascends. “We”, our souls, are already in a pure, awakened state. It is the Serpent in us that awakens from its sleep and then ascends, rises to a higher level. This distinction further explains the demonization of Spiritual Awakening in the “Garden of Eden” story. Idiotic materialists constantly cite this passage as “proof” that religion is inherently ridiculous and unscientific, without ever bothering to do the most basic research into what this story might actually symbolize. The fall of man is one of our basic foundational myths and we must understand the symbolism before we can start making value judgements that are based on nothing else but our own ignorance and shortsightedness. If you study artistic depictions of the Fall of Man, you will usually see the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, set in a garden with a variety of animals. The tree has the fruits of Knowledge hanging from its branches, wrapped around the trunk of the tree we can see the Serpent, which rises up to take a fruit of Knowledge and hand it to Eve. Adam and Eve are naked, showing their innocence and that their nature is largely symbolic, as the first man and woman. Now, what does all this mean in light of what we know about the awakening of the Kundalini. First of all, the tree in the Garden of Eden is synonymous with the Tree of Life, generally understood to be the map of the soul in most mystic traditions. Wrapped around it, rising, is the Kundalini Serpent of course, as it has risen up, it grabs a fruit of Knowledge and hands it to Eve. The Fruit is generally depicted as an apple, which is a Torus-shaped fruit (similar to a donut). This basic shape is used for instance in the creation of fusion energy plasma in various experimental reactors and is believed by many alternative energy researchers to be the basic shape that allows a system to extract energy from another dimension, thus giving out more in energy than what is put in. I believe this to be a symbol of the crown Chakra, which operates under this very principle, it is designed to extract energy and information from another dimension, that has unlimited supplies of both. Adam and Eve represent the Male and Female creative principle in Nature. In Shaivism, a branch of Hinduism, Shiva is the Male Principle, and Kundalini Shakti is the female creative principle. So, when the Serpent hands the fruit of knowledge to Eve, he is the first to bite and then he hands it to Adam, the male principle. Both are thus “corrupted” by knowledge from the point of view of a Jealous and Angry God. Jehovah intervenes before the human couple can also partake of the fruit of the tree of life, which would give them immortality and thus make them “as the gods”. The message from a Christian perspective being that you should not seek spiritual enlightenment and knowledge, you are to bow down to your master like a slave, and give away your own energy by constantly worshipping the God of the Jews. Meanwhile, the “Serpent” is banished to crawl on the ground and is this brought low. This symbolizes the suppression of our Spiritual selves, and for good effect, from here on, the “Serpent”, “That Great Dragon” is depicted as enemy of God and by extension the enemy of humankind. It is claimed that our curious nature our search for knowledge, the very birth of our consciousness (when Adam and Eve realize they are naked and feel ashamed) was a sin and we are destined to suffer forever for our insolence. A more anti-spiritual message I struggle to imagine, but at least it clearly explains the historic position of the Church in regards to destroying anything that might lead to enlightenment. It explains, the witch-hunts, the inquisition, the destruction of native cultures, artefacts and spiritual traditions in all parts of the world. Now, undoubtedly, the life of Jesus Christ has been an inspiration to many and i believe he was a truly enlightened being who spread a message of love, but his teachings have been twisted and modified to suit the agenda of the church. It is important to keep in mind the perversions in all religions that have occurred over the course of time, to suit the various churches that they represent. All spiritual teachings have been twisted and filled with lies to remove spiritual knowledge from the general population and reveal the truth only to a select few at the top, the better to control the mass of humanity without us humans even realizing it. All I’m saying is that you need to be skeptical. You need to follow your own heart, you need to thread your own path. Do not accept anything at face value, do your own research and never accept anything without critical examination. Those that control the world know the extraordinary power of the human mind and use it to their own advantage through deception and diverting your attention to unimportant things. Do not fall into their trap! Keep your mind focused on your spiritual awakening, feel the energy flowing in your body, see the radiant light of a thousand suns emanating from your crown chakra, listen to your heart and look out for deceivers. The path to enlightenment is a lonely one, like Gautama Buddha, you must walk it alone, experiment in a scientific way to see what works and what doesn’t then draw your own conclusions on what works best for YOU. Books and masters and teachers can guide you and provide you with insights, give you ideas to try, but there is no set path to enlightenment. There is no one-size-fits-all solution that you can buy from a Yogi or Guru in the spiritual marketplace. Let the Kundalini guide you, let the Serpent be your Guru, if you know you are right, pursue your own truth and do not care what other people think or say. We are all individuals, massively different from one another and we must each walk our own path. Never ever forget that and this is the best advice I can give you, if, like me you wish to undertake the Journey to Spiritual Enlightenment.

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